the project is a no profit website, which was born in 2008 thanks a grant given to the author, Angelo Maria Monaco,

from a partnership of international members such as the EU (FSE social European found), Regione Puglia(Italy) and University of Salento (Lecce, Italy).


The aim of the project is to provide users with meta-data concerning art historical heritage in decline in order to promote, on the one hand, knowledge, and on the other,

to promote actions of restoration and consciousness of their relevance in a large audience. is not just a database of painting, but it’s an instrument useful to link together professionals art historians with a vast public of cultural heritage amateurs. 




The data base is filled with almost 100 items chosen from a vast range, in order of their typology, location, chronology.


The geographical area of the mapping have been the Salento (southern part of Regione Puglia, Italy).


The focus of the mapping have been ecclesiastical paintings dating between XVI and XVII centuries, painted by local artists, still displayed in their original sites

(most of which are catholic churches).

The user can surf the website in a very simple way, choosing from the devices of the web menu on the left side of the main page.


He can starts his search just clicking the pages “database titoli” (database titles) or “database iconografico” (images database), than he can focus on a item (a painting).


Once chosen an item he came across to a short essay filled with a picture of the painting and its historical and technical data. In a given space he will read about the “degree of health” of the painting,

if it needs or not a restoration, times and costs of restoration.


In the low margin of the same page the user will be provided with other criteria of search (comparison between more than a painting, keywords for similar research, bibliography).


In the upper margin of every single page of the website, user will be able to make a new search, to focus on the aim of the project (“il progetto”), to read a short biography o the author (“l’autore”),

to get news on the website (“news”), to get news on happening in Puglia concerning art (“Arte in Puglia”), to get in contact with the author (“contacts”).



Let's try! 


For any queary pleas contact the author.